Ji Wei (Jay) Yoon
I am originally from Singapore. During my undergraduate education, I have lived, studied and interned in three different countries: the United Kingdom, Germany and China. Each of these countries had provided me with opportunities of growth in cultural awareness and academic maturity. I hope to learn as much in the USA as I had done in my undergraduate years.
I am broadly interested in the application of novel hardware and software methodologies to solve scientific problems. My BSc thesis was on the calculation of properties of point defects in graphene. My MPhil work was on the optimization of cellular automata models, through a MPI-parallelized Genetic Algorithm code, as generators of amorphous Silicon structures. For my PhD work, I plan to embark on high-throughput properties calculations of structural materials. The result of which will enable statistical/machine learning methods to be applied to predict novel materials.
I am funded by Singapore’s National Science Scholarship (PhD) for my PhD studies at Berkeley.